Future Writing Projects
At the end of last year, I wrote down a list of goals and accomplishments I wanted to work through this year and for the coming years. In the list, I mentioned writing on the blog weekly while posting newsletters monthly.
But in the back of my mind, I often think about the longer-term goals I have and how I am going to get there. Since the year is coming to a close, I want to see how far along these hopes and ideas are coming and see if maybe I might be able to accomplish one or two before the end of the year.
Low Content Book
At the end of last year, I added creating a low content book to my list of writing goals. For those who don't know what this is, a low content book can range from journals, planners, guest books, etc. Pretty much anything that is fill in the blank.
These can easily be made on Microsoft Word, Canva, or Powerpoint. Since I don't have a background in formatting, I figured this may be an easy writing project to work on even though there isn't a ton of writing.
Back in March of this year, after about 2 months of slowly working on it here and there, I released my first low content book, 45 Writing Prompts for Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Writers. Inside you will find 45 prompts including anything from sentences, word count, and characters you must include in your writing. It was a fun project to work on and I loved how it turned out!
This item I can mark off my author's bucket list!
Traditional Publishing
Even though I have handfuls of blog posts stating how self-publishing is ultimately the way to go when publishing a book, I would still love to try my hand at traditional publishing.
I would love to go through the motions of getting a literary agent to represent my work and then have a publishing house back my work. Back in 2020, I researched the first steps of going forward with traditional publishing so when the time comes, I can begin the process.
So, this is started, but I can't quite cross it off the list just yet.
Finish a Series
When I wrote this on my list, I was thinking of my Never-Ending series. After releasing my first children's book, Princess Gabriella and the Never-Ending Kiss, I thought it would be great to follow it up with at least two more books.
I'm currently working on the second book and hope to get it finished by the end of 2023. This will be a static series so readers can pick up any of the books at any time and be meet with the same characters on different adventures.
I can't cross this off the list yet, but at least it is started.
Write a Fiction Novel
Back in high school, I had a dream of a coming-of-age suspense short story. Since then, the story has been sitting at the back of my mind. I've decided it would be great to take the idea, flesh out the characters and make it into a full fiction novel.
Not only do I want to write that story, but I have another I could potentially write as well. I have most of the scenes and ideas fleshed out I just need to actually sit down and write.
Once again, I can't take this off my bucket list, but it is started!
Standalone Children's Book
After announcing the Never-Ending series would be a static series, I decided it would be fun to create a standalone children's book.
One day, in my elementary after school program, we had been given the opportunity to color whatever we wanted. During the coloring session, I remember having this urge to suddenly draw an animal I had never thought of before. I remember showing my mom when she came to collect me and how impressed she was that she went on to show all her friends.
Thinking back on it now, I realize this animal is the perfect animal to have as my main character in my standalone children's book. Once again, I just need to sit down and write a story around it.
It will be a challenge, but I'm excited to get started on it.
How To eBook
With self-publishing being so easy to do these days and with eBooks becoming so popular over the years, a How To eBook is something I would love to write. In fact, I did start working on it, but because the topic was not a popular one during the pandemic, I have held off moving forward with the project. But since things are back up and running, my How To eBook might be something I can easily finish this year!
Short Story Collection
One of my more popular series on the blog and also my favorite, is my Random Generator Short Story Challenge series.
The reason behind starting it, was so I could write a short story for people to enjoy to which later I would bring them together to publish on Amazon for other readers to enjoy. I love writing short stories so I thought this would be a great way to get them out into the world.
Since then, my Random Generator Challenges have shifted and taken me places I thought I would never write about. Because of this, most of the stories won't make it into the short story collection. But hey, that's okay! It just means I have to write more stories that will fight the theme I am going for.
So, this is started, but it's going to be awhile before it's finished.
Short Story Magazine or Website
You know you've made it as a writer if a magazine or website publishes your story because let's be real, they are extremely hard to get into. I would love to begin submitting my writing to see if it could be published so I can have that on my author's resume.
Final Thoughts
Man, I have plenty of goals when it comes to writing. As you can see, I have a lot of them started, I just need to finish them through. Like I said before, maybe I can finish one by the end of this year!
As an author what type of writing goals do you have? How do you plan on completing them? Tell me in the comments below! Subscribe to the newsletter for any updates on these goals.