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Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021: Accomplishments, Announcements, Updates, and More

Writer: Kali KuzmaKali Kuzma

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

The End of 2020

There are only a few more days left of 2020. How are you going to make them count?

Every year, usually over Christmas break, I reminisce over the last year then write down my hopes and dreams for the upcoming year. I thought 2020 was a major bust since there wasn't much to reminisce over. But I was wrong.

The longer I sat and thought about it the more accomplishments I came up with.

What did I accomplish in 2020?

  • Paid Off My Car-That's $340 I'm saving a month yay!

  • Quit My Job of 5 1/2 years- You may think this was a stupid move, especially during a pandemic, but I promise you it was the best choice. My stress levels have gone down tremendously.

  • Stopped Watching Animals- I used to watch people's pets on the side for extra cash. Overall, it was a great time, but not enough time left to take care of myself.

  • Moved House-Studies show divorce and moving are the number one stressors in life. They aren't wrong! Moving was so stressful but, in the end, we found a better place to live, and got rid of a crappy roommate at the same time.

  • Made a Website/Started a Blog- Of course I couldn't forget about the blog! It's a huge feat to take on by oneself, but I'm so glad I did.

  • Wrote a Children's Book- I can't believe it! Something I never imagined has come true. Lots of time and effort really paid off.

  • Completed Several Bucket List Items-Includes naming a star, letting go of a floating lantern, visiting a ghost town, interior decorating a friend's space, going to a trampoline park, seeing a Broadway show, and traveling to New York (before Covid).

Overall, I have accomplished so much this year even with all the ups and downs. It might not have gone as planned, but I'm proud of how it ended.

The Start of 2021

So, how am I making the last few days of 2020 count?

Easy. I will be planning my schedule for 2021 revolving around reading and writing.

Over the past few months, I have enjoyed the process of blogging, and want to continue with the best content possible. So for your reading pleasure here is a quick outline for what's to come on the blog for 2021.

The New Schedule Line Up for 2021

2021 will bring a new schedule to the blog! Nothing feels better than a routine schedule which is why it's changing.

You're probably thinking to yourself, "Wait, there was a schedule before?" Ummm...cough, cough... no there wasn't.

Which is why this is so exciting!

Starting January 4th, I will be posting every Monday at 9am! Be on the look out for the first post of the year as it relates to creating vision boards and completing goals for 2021.

Upcoming Series and What They Entail

Besides the new schedule, here's a list of upcoming series you will find every month on the blog:

  • Book Reviews

  • Random Generator Stories

  • Topics Related to Self-Publishing

  • Updates on Upcoming Projects

  • and More...

Here's a more detailed description of the series found below:

Book Reviews

Every month, I will be bringing you the pros and cons of a recent read. The reviews can be anything from Historical Fiction to YA Paranormal to Self Help books. Whatever I'm reading at the time. If you have any suggested reading please leave it in the comments below.

Random Generator Stories

I'm SUPER excited about this upcoming series. Every month I will be writing a story based a random generator. Specific character names, words, sentences, etc. will be randomly generated, and whatever pops up I must incorporate somewhere in the story. This will be my most exciting project, but also my hardest. The first Random Word Generated Story called The Heirloom is up now so go give it a read.

Topics Related to Self-Publishing

Being a new author has it's ups and downs. So come along for the ride as I take you through my experience and how you can apply it to your writing.

Updates on Upcoming Projects

Be the first to see updates on my writing projects as they come to life!

and More...

This category will be anything I feel relates to writing but somehow doesn't fit into the other categories. If you have a concept you want me to write about leave it in the comments below.

Final Thoughts

I have tons of ideas lined up ready to share with you. Let's make 2021 the best year of writing yet. Remember to make those last few days count!



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